Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Beach :)

I went to the beach last weekend! It was amazing. I got to lay around all day friday and saturday and get tan! Doesnt get much better. Now its starting to get colder which is nooo fun, especially for traveling.

It was a group of 7 girls and 1 guy. haha. We had a "departamento" which is a hotel suite for 5 but we squeezed in 8. There were 3 twin beds and a king and no worries dad-i shared with one of the girls!

There were venders at the beach that sold "chocolo" which is corn on the cob! It was amazing. They lathered it in butter and salted it up for a delicious treat.

Easter was a bummer though. I put on a my cute white dress for the occasion. But all I did was eat lunch with my host mom. Her daugthers didnt even come over to eat which was disapointing. And we didnt eat anything special. I didnt go to church either. It seems like easter isnt a big deal around here.

This weekend there is a Vida Retreat on sharing your faith. I'm really excited b/c another group from one of the provinces is coming up so I'll get to meet more Argentines and Americans! We were originally supposed to go to them but they just changed the plan. I dont know if there will be sleepovers involved but I hope so!

Miss you all! I'll be home in 88 days!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like life is picking up, Liz! I've never been an outdoorsy type but I'm really really jealous of all the fun stuff you've gotten to do - white water rafting, canopying, horseback riding, beaches... you're having amazing experiences! Let's catch up soon, K?
